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Everything You Need to Know About Ulsan

Munsu Dog Park

Posted by on Oct 24, 2013 in | Comments Off on Munsu Dog Park

Tucked away behind the Munsu Archery Centre, across the road from the Munsu Stadium complex, lies the Munsu Dog Park. As far as I’m aware, it’s the only dedicated dog park in the city. Just past the sign, there’s a little spot where you pay the entry fee, and then it’s play time! [Namgu Residents 1,000 won. Other regions – 2,000 won. Open April – October 10am – 10pm, November – March 10am – 6pm] The park is sectioned...

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Translation for Ulsan Bus App

Posted by on Oct 24, 2013 in | Comments Off on Translation for Ulsan Bus App

A student at UNIST, Kim Hyeong Yeong, has recently translated several of the bus ap screens for the international students at the school, and has graciously allowed me to repost them here on Ulsan Online. The bus ap is called “울산버스정보” (Ulsan Bus Jeong Bu) and is available for both Android and iOS based phones, but is only in Korean. Even with this translation, some basic Hangeul will be need for location names. If you need help learning to...

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Pottery Classes in Dal Dong

Posted by on Oct 24, 2013 in | Comments Off on Pottery Classes in Dal Dong

by Kim Chan Sook A homemakers sense of beauty and style can be so homogenous because our options are limited. This means our cupboards are decorated with very similar dishes, cups and crockery. Sometimes I think that I fancy owning and decorating my kitchen with unique, original, valuable and meaningful ceramics. The ceramics which can be made ourselves, with our ingenious inspirations  can be family heirlooms. We can also later share our experience, and reminisce with our descendants through...

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Thanks Ulsan!

Posted by on Sep 8, 2013 in | Comments Off on Thanks Ulsan!

I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who came out and participated in yesterday’s Sports Day event. This was a very hard week. First, the Rock ‘n’ Row Dragon Boat Festival was cancelled by City Hall. Then, tragedy struck our community when we lost our friend, Jean-Marc Lalonde in a traffic accident. But everyone rallied together to support T-Hope, and to help JM’s family. Not only did we have a fantastic afternoon at the Sports...

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For Mac

Posted by on Sep 4, 2013 in | Comments Off on For Mac

It is with a heavy heart I write this post. Yesterday, many of us in the Ulsan expat community were shocked to hear of the tragic death of our friend, Jean-Marc Lalonde, known to most as Mac (or JM). His motorcycle was hit by a car, causing an accident that killed him. It is hard to imagine Ulsan without Mac’s smiling face, and his cheerful, laid back attitude. I first met Jean-Marc at Benchwarmer’s Bar, where he often helped...

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Cruise Ulsan Harbour!

Posted by on Sep 4, 2013 in | Comments Off on Cruise Ulsan Harbour!

The Namgu district office would like to promote their whale-watching and night-cruise boat among the expat community by offering us a special party. Whale Watching Tour, October 5th Sat, 2013 Global Day ‘Night Cruise’ Beer Party ▪Hosted by UMFSC  ▪Sponsored by SK & The event will be held from 6:30 – 8:30 pm on Saturday, October 5th, and tickets cost only 10,000 won, thanks to a generous donation by SK (tickets for a night cruise are usually 40,000...

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Getting Aquainted – Pets

Posted by on Sep 2, 2013 in | Comments Off on Getting Aquainted – Pets

Often when people arrive here, they feel a little lonely without their family and friends close by. For some of us, coming to Korea is our first time living alone, after years of sharing rooms and apartments through university and those first years after school when student loans overshadow all other expenses. What better way is there to solve this loneliness than by getting a pet? Well, let’s be realistic. Yes, pets are a great addition to a person’s...

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Sin Myeong Circus

Posted by on Aug 24, 2013 in | Comments Off on Sin Myeong Circus

Hey everyone! If you have an afternoon or evening with not much to do, you should head down to the Sin Myeong Circus by Mega Mart! It runs everyday until Sept. 1st at 2, 4:30, and 8:30 pm (I think those are the correct times). It’s mostly young people doing acrobatics (no animals!). It’s 10k won per person (7k for kids), and they even have someone who comes around selling popcorn for 2000 won/bag. If you’d like to double...

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Making Ulsan Connections through Facebook

Posted by on Jul 30, 2013 in | Comments Off on Making Ulsan Connections through Facebook

It’s rare these days to come across someone who isn’t on Facebook. The Social Media site has taken on a huge role in many of our lives, as an easy way to keep in touch with friends and family back home (even if it’s just passively checking statuses or flipping through photo albums) while we’re living abroad. It’s also a great way to meet new people and discover ways to get involved in your new community while you’re living...

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How to Get a Pension Refund

Posted by on Jul 24, 2013 in | Comments Off on How to Get a Pension Refund

This question is appearing on the Facebook group a lot lately, as we approach the big August change-over in public school teachers. Here’s the basics on how to get your pension payments (and the matching sum made by your employer) refunded, compiled from the Ulsan Online members advice. Citizens of countries that have an agreement with Korea* can receive a lump-sum refund of their pension fund money when they leave Korea. Also, people working here under an E-8, E-9,...

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